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Xcopy is a more powerful version of the copy command that has the ability of moving files, directories, and even whole drives from one location to another.

Purpose: Copies directories, subdirectories, and files.

Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [options]

source: pathname of file to be copied

destination: pathname of the new file

options: can be any combination of the following listed below


xcopy Source [Destination] [/w] [/p] [/c] [/v] [/q] [/f] [/l] [/g] [/d[:mm-dd-yyyy]] [/u] [/i] [/s [/e]] [/t] [/k] [/r] [/h] [{/a|/m}] [/n] [/o] [/x] [/exclude:file1[+[file2]][+[file3]] [{/y|/-y}] [/z]

/w : Displays the following message and waits for your response before starting to copy files:

Press any key to begin copying file(s)

/p : Prompts you to confirm whether you want to create each destination file.

/c : Ignores errors.

/v : Verifies each file as it is written to the destination file to make sure that the destination files are identical to the source files.

/q : Suppresses the display of xcopy messages.

/f : Displays source and destination file names while copying.

/l : Displays a list of files that are to be copied.

/g : Creates decrypted destination files.

/d[:mm-dd-yyyy] : Copies source files changed on or after the specified date only. If you do not include a mm-dd-yyyy value, xcopy copies all Source files that are newer than existing Destination files. This command-line option allows you to update files that have changed.

/u : Copies files from Source that exist on Destination only.



/i : If Source is a directory or contains wildcards and Destination does not exist, xcopy assumes destination specifies a directory name and creates a new directory. Then, xcopy copies all specified files into the new directory. By default, xcopy prompts you to specify whether Destination is a file or a directory.

/s : Copies directories and subdirectories, unless they are empty. If you omit /s, xcopy works within a single directory.

/e : Copies all subdirectories, even if they are empty. Use /e with the /s and /t command-line options.

/t : Copies the subdirectory structure (that is, the tree) only, not files. To copy empty directories, you must include the /e command-line option.

/k : Copies files and retains the read-only attribute on destination files if present on the source files. By default, xcopy removes the read-only attribute.

/r : Copies read-only files.

/h : Copies files with hidden and system file attributes. By default, xcopy does not copy hidden or system files.

/a : Copies only source files that have their archive file attributes set. /a does not modify the archive file attribute of the source file. For information about how to set the archive file attribute by using attrib, see Related Topics.

/m : Copies source files that have their archive file attributes set. Unlike /a, /m turns off archive file attributes in the files that are specified in the source. For information about how to set the archive file attribute by using attrib, see Related Topics.

/n : Creates copies by using the NTFS short file or directory names. /n is required when you copy files or directories from an NTFS volume to a FAT volume or when the FAT file system naming convention (that is, 8.3 characters) is required on the destination file system. The destination file system can be FAT or NTFS.

/o : Copies file ownership and discretionary access control list (DACL) information.

/x : Copies file audit settings and system access control list (SACL) information (implies /o).

/exclude:filename1[+[filename2]][+[filename3]] : Specifies a list of files containing strings.

/y : Suppresses prompting to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file.

/-y : Prompts to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file.

/z : Copies over a network in restartable mode.

/? : Displays help at the command prompt.

Example: To copy all the files and subdirectories (including any empty subdirectories) from drive A to drive B, type:

xcopy a: b: /s /e



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