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Keyboard Shortcuts








F1 = opens Help feature
F2 = rename file or folder
F2 = edit active cell (MS Excel)
F2 = toggle between edit mode and navigation mode (MS Access)
F3 = find all files
F4 = redo (MS Office)
F5 = refreshes current window
F6 = moves among panes in Windows Explorer
F7 = spelling and grammar (MS Office)
F10 = activates menu bar options
ctrl + a = selects all items in window
ctrl + b = bold (MS Office)
ctrl + c = copy
ctrl + d = font (MS Word)
ctrl + e = center alignment (MS Word)
ctrl + h = replace (MS Office)
ctrl + i = italic (MS Office)
ctrl + j = justified (MS Office)
ctrl + k = make a web hyperlink (MS Office)
ctrl + m = indent (MS Word)
ctrl + n = new document (MS Office)
ctrl + o = open command
ctrl + p = print (MS Office)
ctrl + r = right alignment (MS Word)
ctrl + s = save (MS Office)
ctrl + u = underline (MS Office)
ctrl + v = paste
ctrl + w = close document (MS Office)
ctrl + x = copy and cut
ctrl + y = redo
ctrl + z = undo
ctrl + 1 = format dialog box
ctrl + 5 = strikethough (MS Excel)
ctrl + F2 = print preview (MS Word)
ctrl + F12 = save as (MS Office)
ctrl + backspace = delete back word (MS Word)
ctrl + del = delete word
ctrl + home = takes you to the top
ctrl + end = takes you to the bottom
ctrl + enter = page break (MS Word)
ctrl + page down = browse next (MS Office)
ctrl + page up = browse prevous (MS Office)
ctrl + spacebar = selects entire column
ctrl + ' = copy data from prevous record (MS Access)
ctrl + - = delete a record (MS Excel) & (MS Access)
ctrl + + = insert column (MS Excel) & (MS Access)
ctrl + ; = current date (MS Excel) & (MS Access)
crtl + : = current time (MS Excel) & (MS Access)
ctrl + shift + home = highlights everything to the start
ctrl + shift + end = highlights everything to the end
ctrl + shift + a = all caps (MS Word)
ctrl + shift + f = change font (MS Word)
ctrl + shift + g = word count list (MS Word)
ctrl + shift + l = apply bullet list (MS Word)
ctrl + shift + p = change font size (MS Office)
ctrl + shift + q = symbol font (MS Word)
ctrl + shift + F5 = bookmark (MS Word)
ctrl + shift + , = shrink font (MS Word)
ctrl + windows logo + f = find computer
windows logo = opens star menu
windows logo + m = minimizes all windows
windows logo + shift + m = undo minimize all
windows logo + l = locks computer
windows logo + e = opens Windows Explorer
windows logo + f = finds files or folders
windows logo + u = opens Utility Manager
windows logo + r = opens up run
windows logo + tab = cycles through taskbar
windows logo + break = system properties
alt + tab = switches between open windows
alt + shift + tab = switches between open windows in reverse
alt + F4 = quits program
alt + F8 = run macro (MS Office)
alt + F11 = VBCode
alt + F10 = Maximize window (MS Word)
alt + double click = displays properties
alt + enter = displays properties
alt + down arrow = opens drop down box
alt + space bar = system menu
alt + = = apply autosum
alt + ctrl + o = outline view (MS Word)
alt + ctrl + s = split (MS Word)
alt + shift + d = date field (MS Word)
alt + shift + t = time field (MS Word)
shift + end = takes cursor to end of line
shift + home = takes cursor to start of line
shift + delete = quit program permanently
shift + spacebar = selects entire row (MS Excel)
shift + tab = one cell left (MS Excel)
shift + F3 = change case (MS Office)
shift + F10 = opens shortcut menu
shift + F12 = save (MS Office)
shift + ctrl + $ = formats as currency with 2 decimal places
shift + ctrl + % = formats as percent with no decimal places
shift + insert cd = bypass automatic run feature
tab = moves field to field

    Windows Key board Short cuts.



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